It’s That Time of Year Again
Time to register and update your child(ren)’s Faith Formation information.
Parents and Caregivers, will your family be participating in Faith Formation activities this year? If you could please take a few minutes and fill out our new Child/Youth Faith Formation Registration form, it would be so appreciated.
These forms not only help us get to know your child(ren) better and how best to serve them, but they also help us plan for how many kids will be participating in Faith Formation this year. Knowing who will be joining us (but of course, friends and visitors are always welcome) lets us be prepared to have enough supplies, volunteers, and childcare staff!
Register for Youth Faith Formation here.
Please fill out a separate form for each child. If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out toApril Rosario, our Director of Lifespan Faith Formation.
Want to learning more about volunteering? Join April on Zoom for Faith Formation volunteer leader training on September 6, 2024 at 6PM.