
December 14, 2023    
9:15 am - 10:30 am

Despite the bright lights and the cheerful (if relentless) music, some of us sometimes end up feeling a little bit blue, or even a lot blue, during the winter holidays. This part of the year is dark and for those who carry hurt or pain in their hearts or minds, it can be a real challenge. The First Parish and Chaplains on the Way communities invite you to join us in a loving and meditative gathering at First Parish on Thursday, December 14, at 9:15 AM. Let us come together and light candles to lift one another in care and support. Co-officiated by Deb Weiner and Chaplains on the Way community members, we will gather in the sanctuary for this service. You can expect a space of respect and kindness, words of support, music that touches the soul, and space to be present and real.