All Adult Faith Formation small groups are open to all 18+


Soul Matters Sharing Circle (Fall, Winter, and Spring Sessions)

Soul Matters is a 5-week small that aligns with our themes of the month and allows us to dive deeper into those themes. Join us to participate in a spiritual practice that takes us beyond the question of “What do you think?” and invites us into the deeper one of “Where are you willing to let your faith take you?”

Soul Matters differs from other small groups in that it is designed to help us experience our monthly spiritual themes, not just talk about them!  Its structure also helps us avoid the safety of shallow analysis and instead invites us to courageously dive into the work of vulnerable, honest, and heart-centered sharing. Think of Soul Matters as an invitation to listen more deeply and intentionally in three distinct ways:

– We listen to each other. 

– We listen to our lives. 

– We listen to our deepest self. 

Soul Matters’ distinguishing characteristic is a focus on deep listening. But the way Soul Matters goes about that is also unique. Here’s how:  Soul Matters Invites us to listen to each other deeply and with discipline.  Soul Matters invites group members to practice three distinct disciplines of deep listening during their meeting time using this three-part mantra:

– Hold still – the practice of offering an inviting presence.

– Hold at bay – the practice of offering safe space.

– Hold up and hold out – the practice of responding with gratitude and noting meaningful connections.


Theology on Tap

Theology on Tap groups are casual discussion groups that happen at various times throughout the year and give adults a chance to meet over their favorite pint, a glass of wine, water, juice, or other delicious concoction. This  2-hour group gives folks a chance to dive into a different UU theological question and have a loosely guided discussion.



Roots is a six-week discussion group for adults to learn more about Unitarian Universalism, explore their own understanding of faith and engage with key spiritual themes like happiness and truth. If you are new to the church, or are just interested in exploring more ideas about faith, this is the group for you! 


Living the Path of the 8th Principle: A Social Justice and Anti-Racism Class

Join us for this new small group that engages the voice of POC and focuses on helping us first identify what it means to be anti-racist and then how we may go about doing the work of being anti-racist while deepening our commitment to racial justice.


We also offer member-led small groups throughout the year, including book club, men’s group, and Buddhist meditation. For more information on these please check our events and or our newsletter.