Tools for Raising Unitarian Universalist Children

Unitarian Universalism is a lived faith, a faith that requires action and participation! As parents/guardians/caregivers, finding ways to integrate Unitarian Universalism into our everyday home life is so important. This integration helps so that a full week of faith is practiced instead of just on Sunday morning. Here are a few intentional ways to bring our shared faith into our homes. 


  • Have something in your house that says you are UU: a chalice, our Principles, chalice artwork, etc. 
  • Make a practice of lighting a family chalice.  
  • At bedtime, comment on UU values in bedtime stories. Participate in a bedtime prayer. A simple start is the T.H.I.S. Prayer – Name one thing you are thankful for, one thing you hope will happen, one thing you would like to improve, and one thing you’re sorry for.  
  • Mention the UU principles & values and how they relate to the way you live your life. For example, when you recycle, relate it to your UU beliefs about the interdependent web. 
  • Develop your own spiritual beliefs and share these beliefs with your children. Talk with your children about spiritual questions and topics. 
  • Ask your children what they learned in RE after church (that’s one reason the “What’s Happening in RE” section is in the order of service), and ask about their class and classmates, teachers, worship, or anything that happened on Sunday.