The Lists

First Parish has a community mailing list to help us stay informed and connected. It’s open to the community: congregation members, friends, and our broader community.

Community List

Here are some topics you might see on the community list:

  • I need a ride this Sunday
  • Can anyone recommend a good plumber?
  • Come see the great show at Waltham High School
  • Remember to vote on Tuesday
  • Meeting with Chaplains on the Way to be held on Wednesday – members are invited.

Once you’ve subscribed, send community posts to .

Participant Guidelines

Guideline Summary

  • Be kind. You’re speaking with the people you see at church every week.
  • Discussions and conversations belong on the discussion list.
  • No ads, no chain letters, no attachments.

Any post should be consistent with and supportive of our UUA values:

Shared Values Flower graphic: interdependence, equity, transformation, pluralism, generosity, and justice.
Shared Values Flower by Tanya Webster.

Participants in each list should:

  • Speak and write openly, honestly and respectfully with clarity, tact and compassion.
  • Listen carefully, with an open mind and heart, to what others say.
  • Take responsibility for our speech and actions especially in so far as they affect both individuals and the congregation as a whole.
  • Be sensitive to possible conflicts, and be willing to work toward solutions while recognizing that some differences may not be resolvable.
  • Respect our own boundaries and the boundaries of others and protect and support vulnerable individuals.
  • Respect and support diversity, and work to create a welcoming environment.

Commercial solicitations should be kept to a minimum and be directly related to the First Parish community, such as FP members looking for occasional work, or a member passing along a job opening. Please consider making a donation to First Parish if you sell items as a result of posting on our list.


Lists have moderators, appointed by the board of managers. As of June 2024 the email list monitors are Brenda Asis and Daphne Blount.
Moderators are empowered to review posts, receive complaints from list members, and remind subscribers of the list guidelines. Moderators will, to the fullest extent possible, pass on all communications to the lists so long as they comply with the list guidelines.

First Parish neither endorses the contents of any list users’ communications nor assumes responsibility for any offensive material contained in them, nor any infringement of third party intellectual property rights arising from them. When you subscribe to a list, you agree to indemnify and hold First Parish and its officers and employees harmless from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of the use of the First Parish mailing lists.

If you have a complaint about the messages on these lists, contact the list monitors or the Board President.


How To Subscribe

Subscription to the lists is open to all. Subscribers must identify themselves by name. Participation in the lists is a privilege and not a right. By joining a list you agree to follow the guidelines.

Do-It-Yourself option: subscribe with a Google account

Our lists are powered by Google Groups. To request to join through the Google Groups site, you must have a Google account. If you use a Google account you can set delivery options to a daily digest or read messages on the web.
A Google account is:

  • a Gmail account
  • an email and password you use to sign in to other Google services, like Google Groups, Google Calendar
  • what you use to sign in to Chrome profiles
  • what you use for Google services on an Android device
  • an account from an organization that uses Google Workspaces, like

If you’re not sure, visit the What is a Google Account? help page for more information, or to check if you’re currently logged in with a Google account.

To request to join:

A list moderator will approve your request.

Easy option: subscribe through a signup form

If you don’t have a Google account, you can request to be manually added to the list through our Google form. It may take a few days for you to be added. The list managers make a good-faith effort to keep up with requests.

Fill in this form to be added to a mailing list.