All Bodies are Good Bodies

First Parish in Waltham will host the first service in our 2024 summer service consortium, led by Bee Fortin with music by Katie Gullotti and friends.

Please join us in exploring some assumptions about the value we assign to different kinds of bodies, including our own. We will also take time to listen to our bodies with kindness in the present moment.

Please note that summer services start at 10AM instead of our usual 10:30.

Join in the celebration with snacks and beverages to follow!  You can join us in person at 50 Church Street, Waltham MA. See our Visit page for directions and parking.  We strive to make our services available to all with  assistive listening devices, large-print hymnals, and an accessible building.

You can also watch the service online on YouTube. We will not use Zoom for this service.