Archives: Services

Home is Where the Spirit Lives

Have you thought about where your spirit’s home is? What are the gifts that being part of a faith community can offer us? We’ll celebrate the commitment that our new members have made to our spiritual home, and share our appreciation for the support, service and nurture that this congregation’s many volunteers … read more.

Break Forth Our Vision of Ministry Clear

Deb will be leading us on a path of discovery as we begin to think about our visions for the next church year, and the changes this will bring.  Worship will be followed by a Transition Workshop where we will have the opportunity to discuss … read more.

I Know Your Name

The debate over whether we are more good or bad has raged in the religious world for as long as humans can remember. Let us explore where our Unitarian Universalist tradition and the human goodness it proclaims leads us to greater integrity and resilience.

Spoiler alert: … read more.