First Parish has benefited greatly over the decades and recently from Legacy Gifts.

The typical person who makes a Legacy Gift (aka Planned Giving) isn’t a millionaire or independently wealthy. Rather, most legacy givers are simply members who want to make a commitment to the future of our liberal faith community. In the past decade alone there were Legacy Gifts from long-term contributors Inez Ward and Larry (and Marianne) Lynnworth.

The oldest of our legacy funds date back to 1725, the Mills Ripley Fund (thank you, Puritans).  The principal amounts in our named legacy funds range from $100 to $227,000.  Over half of the funds have specified purposes, i.e. Flowers, Music, Needy Poor, Property Maintenance, etc.  New Legacy gifts can be made to existing endowment funds or to newly named ones or to the general Memorial Fund.

Leaving a legacy to First Parish takes only a little planning. It can be as simple as including a bequest to First Parish in your will or trust, or naming First Parish a beneficiary on your retirement plan or insurance policy.  If you are required to take Required Minimum Distributions from your Individual Retirement Account, consider the tax benefits of a direct donation or purchasing a charitable gift annuity.

You are not limited to giving cash, you can give real estate, stocks, life insurance, or directly from your IRA or Charitable Giving Trust.  For Beneficiary Designations: First Parish in Waltham Universalist-Unitarian,

If you just want to add First Parish to your will, here is some sample language for you and your lawyer to consider:

For wills and trusts:

I give and devise to First Parish in Waltham Universalist Unitarian located at 50 Church Street in Waltham, MA, the sum of $___________ to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific fund or program).

“After fulfilling all other provisions, I give, devise, and bequeath __% of the remainder of my estate [OR $__  a specific amount] to First Parish in Waltham Universalist-Unitarian, a religious corporation currently located at 50 Church Street, Waltham, MA 02451.

The Trustees have prepared materials for you on the different opportunities available on request. Please contact the Office Manager for their contact details.