Archives: Services

On ZOOM ONLY – there will be road closures affecting the local area so we have switched to an on-line service only.

Lay-led service

Please join us Sunday, January 28 for our first member-led Service of 2024. The theme is Liberating Love, filled with poetry, prose and music. Speaking of poetry, we’ll also celebrate “Rabbie Burns Day,” honoring Robert Burns, the national poet of Scotland. A guest bagpiper will … read more.

How Real Love Comes

You never know when Love will speak to you, or in what voice. It’s only important to listen, watch, be wakeful and ready for divine surprise, sometimes in the most unlikely incarnations.

With Good Will for All

Martin Luther King Jr’s embrace of non-violence was shaped by his connection to six principles which he drew from the teachings of Gandhi, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Bayard Rustin, and others. Key among them was his affinity with the word agape, which called on those … read more.

The Longest Night: A Solstice Service

A longstanding tradition at First Parish in Waltham led by members of the Worship Committee, our annual earth-based celebration of the cusp of the seasons honors the longest night of the year. Our Service will be filled with rituals, drumming, readings, poetry and companionship followed … read more.

No-Rehearsal Christmas Pageant

This all-ages service, led by the First Parish Staff and lay leaders, will offer some good old time fun. Well organized ahead, but no stress in the moment – we’ll tell the Christmas story together! Our choir will sing, we’ll have special guest violinists, and … read more.