Archives: Services

Confronting Marvelous Truth

Our UU fourth principle talks about the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The poet Denise Levertov writes: “Marvelous Truth, confront us at every turn, in every guise, iron ball, egg, dark horse, shadow, cloud of breath on the air…” Are there “ultimate … read more.

Wake Now My Senses

In this pivotal moment in history, we see the profound impact of generational trauma on our neighbors and our hearts are broken open. So often our identities and actions are shaped by our understanding of “our people’s people.” Join us as we explore the unique … read more.


Book banning is not a new venture. While there has always been some level of restrictions, we have seen a significant increase lately.

This service will explore the impact and harms of this trend. We are pleased to welcome Rev. Lara K-J Campbell to First Parish … read more.

State of the Parish Address

This congregation, in all its iterations, has existed for almost 350 years. What a long and persevering journey!

What tales from the archives, and stories from among us help guide us into health today? Where are we now and where are we going? Let’s stand on … read more.

Nose to the Trail

Theologian Frederick Buechner, writes “your vocation in life comes from where your greatest joy meets world’s greatest needs.”

How do we know when we are on the right path for us as individuals or as a community of faith? What signs in your life have helped … read more.

Renewal and the Promise of the Coming Day

It’s fall, and we gather again in exploration, celebration and connection.

There are things in church that are the same, and things that are different, among them a new ministry team, a focus on building community and welcome, and energy directed toward searching for a new … read more.