Archives: Services

No-Rehearsal Christmas Pageant

This all-ages service, led by the First Parish Staff and lay leaders, will offer some good old time fun. Well organized ahead, but no stress in the moment – we’ll tell the Christmas story together! Our choir will sing, we’ll have special guest violinists, and … read more.

Waiting for the Light

Mysteriously, the traditional Advent texts in the Christian scriptures are all about the apocalypse and the rapture. They are some of the most intriguing stories, out of which many movies based their bizarre twists of plot. Advent is a time of “not yet” and “already … read more.

Rock of Ages

As we enter into a time of winter celebrations, there has never been more need for holding a candle in the darkness to light our way into the uncertain future. Reb Ariel Handelman, spiritual leader of B’Nai Or (the Jewish congregation which gathers in our … read more.

Home for the Holidays

Some of us love the holidays, and some of us grit our teeth through the whole season. The poem by Jeredith Merrin, “Family Reunion,” names a part of the struggle, while uplifting the beauty and hope of this time as well. Families are complicated.

Come explore … read more.

Confronting Marvelous Truth

Our UU fourth principle talks about the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The poet Denise Levertov writes: “Marvelous Truth, confront us at every turn, in every guise, iron ball, egg, dark horse, shadow, cloud of breath on the air…” Are there “ultimate … read more.