Archives: Services

Welcome and Welcome Back

Join our new Parish Minister Rev. Megan Lynes, Director of Religious Education Yvonne Andrews, and Summer Minister Deborah Weiner for a welcome-back end-of-summer worship service in the sanctuary.

We’ll celebrate with a “Bring in the Harvest” potluck lunch in Whitcomb Hall following the service – … read more.

Summer Service

Our new Director of Religious Education, Rev. Yvonne Andrews, returns to lead summer worship in the air-conditioned chapel.

We regret that Zoom streaming is unavailable in the chapel.

Community Building

Join Brenda Asis and Andy LeCompte for a lay-led worship service on Community Building.

First Parish in Waltham recently began creating a vision statement, part of which is to create a Culture of Inclusion. This service will move us closer to this vision by showing … read more.


Pastor Deborah Weiner leads worship as we discover what happens when we open “Pandora’s Box” and discover surprises… some of them delightful, some disconcerting.

Join us in the air-conditioned chapel.

We regret that Zoom streaming is unavailable in the chapel.

No Stone Left Unturned

Join us in the chapel for a service led by Yvonne Andrews.

We regret that zoom streaming is unavailable in the chapel.

The Theology of Ted Lasso

Join us in the chapel, where Deborah Weiner will explore “The Theology of Ted Lasso” with us.

We regret that no zoom streaming is available from our chapel location.

Flower Communion Sunday

Flower Communion Sunday marks the end of our formal church year at First Parish. It will also be the end of Rev. Becky’s time with us after eight years of shared ministry. So why is she preaching a sermon about beginnings? Come and find out!

The Poetry Service

While many of us will be at our annual retreat – and hoping for fine weather and a chance to dip your toes in the ocean – there will still be the opportunity to join the rest of us for worship. The annual Poetry Service … read more.